Sunday, May 18, 2008

Social Networking

I have heard about MySpace and Facebook but really didn't know what it was all about. It is another way we can connect with people anywhere with similar interests and ideas. It could be used within our library service to connect people through our library. I can imagine the youth of the area embracing this, but young mum's isolated by distance and responsibilities of small children would enjoy the interaction through this social networking format. Books and libraries being the common thread it could also be used by the local history buffs and other interest groups. Perhaps a group of shire library services could develop a Facebook site to connect staff to exchange ideas, successes, and difficulties within their libraries. We would all have something to give and something to learn from each other.

Week 11

The amazing number of useful and free online applications and software is fantastic. I had no idea that these were available and that they would be so easy to use.
Google Docs has great potential as a way of communicating between our branch staff to organise holidays, staff meetings and help create a combined newsletter from all four centres.
I also thought Doodle could be helpful for scheduling things like meetings and leave. Personally I thought Tada might help me with my lack of memory and too many things to think about. The biggest advantage of these online applications is the ability to access your documents etc. wherever you are without the worry of failed drives etc. You are dependent on a reliable internet connection. Unfortunately in country areas this isnt a given.

Week 10 Mash-ups

I can see so much potential for Mash ups. It took a while for me to complete this week as my internet connection is dodgey to say the least. However I thought the street game was wonderful and could be used to educate us on so many things in a novel and fun way.

The uses in the library would be vast. Great for doing publicity, an interesting way to present local history, I can see uses for teens' and childrens' programs. The use of a digital camera and a program such as big huge labs gives you so much scope. I have made a poster for our library week promotion. Also shows off our new library facility.